Every client is unique. Every challenge faced or goal set has its own fingerprint. Therefore, I work with my clients to discover what will be most impactful for you. If we work together, you help design the coaching alliance, so that the coaching style, duration and location of sessions are tailored to best meet your needs.

Below are sample case studies, and a few kind words shared by my clients, to help give you a sense of what’s possible.


How could coaching transform your life?

Coaching meets you exactly where you are. It also holds the assumption that you have more potential than you ever dreamed possible. Then the fun begins.

Coaching helps you create a life aligned with your core values. Depending on your chosen area of focus, you will be empowered to create a career that inspires you; build a business or generate more wealth; drop old habits; rediscover a sense of purpose and direction; find peace of mind and balance; add depth to your relationships; or reconnect with what makes you come alive.

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I place you, the client, at the heart of the coaching process and will empower you to find your own solutions. By the end of our time together, you will understand what drives you and how to create positive change in your life.

If you feel coaching could be of value in your life, please get in touch  to arrange an introductory coaching session, with the option to then roll this into a package.

“Steve is, by far, the most skilled coach I have worked with.

His approachable, unassuming nature, his vast knowledge of which tools to use with you at the right time, his humility, and innate understanding of when to stay quiet and when to interject is nothing short of genius”

Pauline, Director, Global Accountancy Firm